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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mixandmatch Cheapest Flights in New Zealand Mixnmatch

How to find the Cheapest Flights in New Zealand.

In the past, most people bought a return ticket with one airline. Now you can mix and match one airline for flights outward and a different airline on your return flight to see if it works out cheaper.

At we have advised you do this, as it can often work out cheaper especially on international flights. One airline may be cheaper flying out to say the USA and another airline cheaper to return. You can also use this service for domestic flight bookings. allows you to compare flight prices for each direction of your trip. This makes it much easier to compare prices rather than you having to do it yourself.

They charge you for this service (where House of Travel make their money):

$4.95 per person for domestic NZ booking
$9.95 per person for international book for Australia & South Pacific Bookings
$24.95 per person for all other international bookings.

You can avoid these charges by using this service and then going to the airlines websites and booking it yourself.

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